Pantry Party September 2013 Announcement


After taking a two month nap, Pantry Party is back! My life has returned to normalcy and I once again have time to run this challenge!

Welcome to a round up featuring recipes you cook with ingredients found in your pantry. On the 1st of each month (well, this post is going up early because I got excited) I’ll announce the pantry party challenge of the month.  All you need to do is cook something based on the theme with at least one ingredient found in your pantry. Have some pasta? Some jelly? Some sauce? Flour? Sugar? Canned foods? We all have stuff pushed in our pantries that get forgotten about, so now is the time to make use of these otherwise forgotten foods.

On the 29th of each month I will post the round-up, with all the recipes and links to your blogs showcasing your contribution to the party.

I hope you’ll join me and explore your pantries!

How to Participate:

1. Visit The Law Student’s Cookbook on the 1st of each month to find out the Pantry Challenge Theme of the month.

2. Cook up something delicious based on the theme for the month with at least one ingredient found in your pantry.

3. Post the recipe on your blog. You can submit more than one recipe in a month if you wish, but all recipes must be current. If you don’t have a blog, you can still participate! Just send me an email with a write-up of your recipe, a picture, and any other information. I’ll make a post with recipes from readers who participated.

4. You must link to the announcement post for the given month in your blog post. If you wish, you can also use the graphic above in your post or sidebar (which you can find here.)

5. Email your recipes to no later than the 28th of each month. In the email include:

* Your name

* Your blog name

* Permalink to the blog post

* A photo of your recipe or permission to pull one from the post

6. On the 29th of each month visit The Law Student’s Cookbook for the recipe round up!

The theme for September is FISH.
Make a dish featuring items from your pantry that includes fish! I don’t know if there’s fish substitutes for vegan/vegetarians, but if so, those are welcome also. Let your imagination run wild and create a dish featuring fish, using at least one item from your pantry!

4 responses

  1. Thank you so much for visiting Soup Spice Everything Nice! I would love to participate in Pantry Party. I have a couple of fish recipes that would be perfect. I can’t wait to share them with you and your readers. You have some wonderful recipes here. So glad to find you.

  2. Pingback: Fried Tilapia with Lemon Sauce | lawstudentscookbook

  3. Pingback: Pantry Party September Round Up | lawstudentscookbook

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